The York

The Extraordinary Sporadic Newsletter of

Kentucky’s Corps of Longriflemen

45th Edition   -   April 2020 

Greetings to One and All,

As y’all well know our world has been turned upside down in the last 45 days and nothing is or ever will be the same as it was just a few months ago and there is no certainty as to when this thing is going to end and allow us to get back to our regular lives.


That being said, the schedule for the 2020 Calendar of Events is going to have to be changed to abide by the Governor’s Coronavirus Mandates and the possibility of this virus lasting longer into the summer. Pennsylvania has already informed me that their Spring Interstate Shoot May 9th is cancelled with the hope that it can be rescheduled later on this summer.


I have sought ideas and guidance from the officers and others and this is what we are proposing for 2020.


The Spring Rendezvous scheduled for May 1st -3rd at Elizabethtown is cancelled. For the 2020 Probationary Members and those wanting to be Probationary Members in 2021, you will be required to attend 2 Corps functions of your choice during the year, instead of just 1, plus  the fall Rendezvous, to meet your requirements.


The Tryouts for the Fall Interstate Shoot will be suspended for this year. Everyone that wants to shoot at Boonesborough may shoot and the top 10 shooters for the day will be First Team. Probationary members and those wanting to be for next year will only need to turn in one set of targets signed by a member in good standing. It can be done at any Corps event or Local Club Shoot. This gives everyone all summer to practice and be at their best on October 3rd.


We will add 1 Event to the Calendar.  There will be an All-day gathering on July 4th at Wayne Estes’ place on Stoner Creek. Hopefully all of the Virus mess will be over and there will no longer be a need for social distancing. The range will be open if you want to shoot, the creek will be open if you want to fish and, if a quorum is present we will have a short membership meeting in the afternoon to recognize our new members and hold our annual Directors election.  In the late afternoon the corps will provide some hamburgers and hot dogs and you can bring a side dish or a dessert and we will finish off the day on a full stomach. This will be a family event so bring the wives and the kids.  We will need a head count so please let us know a week or so ahead as to who is coming so we can be prepared.


The next scheduled Corps Event is the June 20th Wayne Jenkins Memorial Table Shoot and it is on as scheduled, at this time.  If anything changes we will let you know.


I know these changes may seem to some as extreme but I hope everyone understands that we are going through some very difficult times for everyone and we hope these changes can make it easier for everyone to continue to enjoy and participate at Corps events throughout the year and that we make sure our probationary members and those wanting to be for next year can meet their requirements without any setbacks.


Next year we will hope things have settled out and we will be back to our traditional ways of doing things.


Any questions or concerns, call me, email me and I will do my best to address them.


Keep safe, stay healthy and we will get through this,





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