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Apr. 26-28
May 10-11
June 15
July 20
Aug. 4
Sept. 21
Oct. 4
Oct. 5
Nov. 1-3
Corps Spring Rendezvous and 1st Tryout for the 2024 Interstate Rifle Team, hosted by the Kentucky Longrifles, Morehead. (Required for new members.) Target fee $5.
Please bring a donation for the auction to benefit the Corps.
Spring Interstate Flintlock Team Shoot at New Oxford, PA
Entry: $25 minimum blanket prize.
10th Annual Wayne Jenkins-Bobby Grim Memorial Table Shoot hosted by the Kentucky Longrifles, Morehead. Shoot at Noon.
Entry $25
Kentucky Cup Team Match hosted by Kentucky Longrifles, Morehead, Ky.
Practice 11:00am, Shoot at Noon.
Please bring a donation for the silent auction.
10th AnnualCorps Blanket Shoot at Curtis Gates Lloyd WMA,
near Crittenden, Ky. Shoot at Noon.
Entry: $5 plus $20 minimum blanket prize.
10th Annual Kentucky Woods Walk Challenge hosted by the Bucksnort Longhunters, E-town, at their Fall Rendezvous.
First relay 10:00am, Last relay 1:00pm. Entry: $20 minimum value blanket prize. Primitive dress required. Participants are welcome to camp.
Interstate Blanket Shoot hosted by Wayne Estes on Stoner Creek. First relay 10am, Last relay 4pm.
Entry: $25 minimum value hand-made blanket prize.
Pot-luck dinner after the shoot.
62nd Annual Fall Interstate Flintlock Team Shoot, hosted by Kentucky's Corps of Longriflemen at Fort Boonesborough.
Shoot at Noon.
Corps Fall Rendezvous, Tanner's Station at Blue Licks, hosted by the Wilderness Rangers. (Required for new members.) Primitive dress required.
Nov. 2 - Ky Smoothbore Championship, 10:00am. Entry $10.
Nov. 2 - Rifle Frolic, 1:00pm. Entry $25 minimum blanket prize.


June 8-16
Sept. 14*22
NMLRA National Championship Shoot, Friendship, Ind.
NMLRA Fall Shoot, Friendship, Ind.